
HaufeX360 partners with Procuros to digitize the order-to-cash process for customers

Joint growth through optimal functionality

Haufe X360 , leading provider of a cloud-native business management platform (ERP) for SMEs, and Procuros are entering into an extensive partnership. The aim of the partnership is to jointly digitize the order-to-cash process for customers.

The Procuros Integration Hub integrates all trading partners via electronic data interchange (EDI and WebEDI), application programming interfaces (API) or flat file via a single connection. This enables a fully digitized exchange of documents in the order-to-cash process (e.g. invoices, orders or delivery bills) and reduces manual data entry by over 80%. By digitizing the document flow, invoices can be paid faster, process errors can be avoided and stock shortages can be reduced.

How using Procuros helps HaufeX360 customers

For Haufe X360 customers, this cooperation means that they can now easily and quickly connect to Procuros and process order documents directly in their own ERP system. It is therefore no longer necessary to transfer orders manually or to store generated invoices in a supplier portal.

“Procuros helped us to set up numerous new EDI connections with trading partners. Thanks to the collaboration, our sales team does not have to spend time on data entry, but can fully focus on the core business.” - Benjamin Pellikan, BL Food Trading GmbH

For HaufeX360 users who need digital connections to their customers, suppliers or fulfillment service providers, Procuros gives them direct access to over 3000 trading partners in the DACH region and the ability to add additional trading partners at any time. The most important retail partners in the retail, drugstore, DIY, beauty and fashion sectors can already be found on the platform.

Increasing revenue, together

As a strategic partner, Procuros extends Haufe X360 with important digital business processes and helps to drive the development of Haufe X360 from an ERP to a business management platform. In addition, Procuros and Haufe X360 are planning joint webinars and events to bring together their collective expert knowledge.

In the words of Carsten Schröder, President of Cloud ERP:

“We are delighted to welcome Procuros as a software partner. This collaboration is a further step towards a central platform that enables our customers to manage not only their business processes, but all facets of their company.  We are united with Procuros in our aim to provide innovative and excellent software for our customers and to make our contribution to process digitization in Germany.”